At Vuida de Vacas we define our cuisine as cocina tradicional de mercado or market-fresh traditional cooking. We use only seasonal produce, and our dishes hail from popular tradition.
Many recipes, such as those used for garlic soup, gazpacho, salmorejo, stews, cocido, croquettes, rice dishes and meatballs became the means of surviving times of hardship in the past when people would supplement rationed or scarce ingredients with great imagination. This is the true essence of traditional cuisine in Spain, which nowadays is enriched with quality ingredients.
At Vuida de Vacas we continue to serve dishes which have their origin in traditional Madrileño or Segovian fare: callos a la madrileña (Madrid-style tripe); gallina en pepitoria (chicken fricassée: chicken in an egg and almond sauce); garlic soup, cocido (the Madrid version is a consommé with chickpeas, cabbage, chorizo and meat added); picadillo segoviano (minced pork & paprika); judiones de la Granja (butter bean stew), congrio en salsa (conger eel in sauce); caldereta (fish stew); menestra de cordero (lamb stew); cordero asado (roast lamb), cochinillo (roast pork), etc.
We have broadened the menu with dishes which span the peninsula: gazpacho and salmorejo from Andalusia, bean stew with clams from Asturias, octopus from Galicia, vegetables served in ham bouillon from Palencia, a quail dish and cheeses from La Mancha, Catalonian red cabbage, Murcian rice and Portuguese-style salt cod, always respecting the original recipe.
Dishes available are subject to season, but where possible, we will also prepare off-menu dishes at a day or two’s notice.
Arroz Murciano (Murcian style rice)